module Typertext.Transport { import HttpMethod = Typertext.Http.HttpMethod; import HttpUrl = Typertext.Http.HttpUrl; import HttpPostData = Typertext.Http.HttpPostData; import HttpResponseHandler = Typertext.Http.HttpResponseHandler; import HttpResponseStatus = Typertext.Http.HttpResponseStatus; import HttpResponse = Typertext.Http.HttpResponse; export class XDR extends GenericTransport { constructor(method:HttpMethod, request:HttpUrl, postData:HttpPostData = {}, callback:HttpResponseHandler = (c)=> null) { super(method, request, postData, callback); //Create a XDR var xdr = new XDomainRequest(); //and an interface to get the content type of the response var getHeader = (name:string):string => { if (name.toLowerCase() === "content-type") { return xdr.contentType; } return undefined; }; //No handle timeouts, xdr.ontimeout = () => { callback(new HttpResponse(HttpResponseStatus.timeout, (i:string)=>"", -1, "")); }; //all errors (because XDR sucks) xdr.onerror = () => { callback(new HttpResponse(HttpResponseStatus.unknownError, getHeader, -1, xdr.responseText)); }; //and success. xdr.onload = () => { callback(new HttpResponse(HttpResponseStatus.success, getHeader, 200, xdr.responseText)); }; //Finally, open the request[method], request.ToString()); //and either send if (method == HttpMethod.GET) { //a get request without data, xdr.send(); return; } //or send the post-data to the server (as text/plain, because XDR sucks) xdr.send(HttpUrl.UrlEncodeObject(postData)); } } }