# DNS over HTTPS stub resolver using DNSCrypt Proxy [![Build Status](https://jenkins.home.keganmyers.com/buildStatus/icon?job=doh-stub-dnscrypt-proxy-pipeline)](https://jenkins.home.keganmyers.com/job/doh-stub-dnscrypt-proxy-pipeline/) This is an alpine-based image running an instane of DNSCrpyt Proxy preconfigured to: - Use Cloudflare DNS over HTTPS servers - Netprobe to - Read configuration from the `/data` directory (be sure to copy the default config, or only provide the individual `.txt` files through volumes) - Listen on all interfaces for TCP and UDP on port 53 - Not log any queries - Send basic application logs (non-query logs) to stdout These are all decisions made in the context of operating a forwarding/stub resolver within docker for a small network.