const assert = require('assert'); require('./index.js').__test( ({ spliceString, DBUC_REGEX, decodeComponent, parse, fromUrl }) => { assert.strictEqual( spliceString('abcdefg', 2, 3, 'HELLO'), 'abHELLOfg', 'splice string not working as intended (0)', ); assert.strictEqual( spliceString('abcd', 2, 0, 'HELLO'), 'abHELLOcd', 'splice string not working as intended (1)', ); assert.strictEqual( spliceString('abcd', 2, -2, 'HELLO'), 'abHELLO', 'splice string not working as intended (2)', ); for (const [input, expected] of [ [ '%28m.%5BO%83i%85S%283j%C1%26%3A%E0%2Az%60%D5', '(m.[O\u0083i\u0085S(3j\u00C1&\u003A\u00E0\u002Az`\u00D5', ], [ '(m.%5bO%83i%85S(3j%c1%26%3a%e0*z%60%d5', '(m.[O\u0083i\u0085S(3j\u00C1&\u003A\u00E0\u002Az`\u00D5', ], ]) { const actual = decodeComponent(input); assert.strictEqual( actual, expected, `decodeComponent failed on input '${input}'`, ); } // expect other tests to validate deeper functionality assert.deepEqual( fromUrl(''), { bar: 'hi' }, `parseBinaryQuerystring failed`, ); }, );