61 Filer Server API
zemul edited this page 2023-05-04 16:41:00 +08:00

You can append to any HTTP API with &pretty=y to see a formatted json output.

Filer server


# Basic Usage:
  //create or overwrite the file, the directories /path/to will be automatically created
  POST /path/to/file
  PUT /path/to/file
  //create or overwrite the file, the filename in the multipart request will be used
  POST /path/to/
  //create or append the file
  POST /path/to/file?op=append
  PUT /path/to/file?op=append
  //get the file content
  GET /path/to/file

  //return a json format subdirectory and files listing
  GET /path/to/
  Accept: application/json

# options for POST a file:
  // set file TTL
  POST /path/to/file?ttl=1d
  // set file mode when creating or overwriting a file
  POST /path/to/file?mode=0755
POST/PUT Parameter Description Default
dataCenter data center empty
rack rack empty
dataNode data node empty
collection collection empty
replication replication empty
fsync if "true", the file content write will incur an fsync operation (though the file metadata will still be separate) false
saveInside if "true", the file content will write to metadata false
ttl time to live, examples, 3m: 3 minutes, 4h: 4 hours, 5d: 5 days, 6w: 6 weeks, 7M: 7 months, 8y: 8 years empty
maxMB max chunk size empty
mode file mode 0660
op file operation, currently only support "append" empty
skipCheckParentDir Ensuring parent directory exists cost one metadata API call. Skipping this can reduce network latency. false
header: Content-Type used for auto compression empty
header: Content-Disposition used as response content-disposition empty
prefixed header: Seaweed- example: Seaweed-name1: value1. Returned as Seaweed-Name1: value1 in GET/HEAD response header. empty
GET Parameter Description Default
metadata get file/directory metadata false
resolveManifest resolve manifest chunks false


  • It is recommended to add retries when writing to Filer.
  • AutoChunking is not supported for method PUT. If the file length is greater than 256MB, only the leading 256MB in the PUT request will be saved.
  • When appending to a file, each append will create one chunk and added to the file metadata. If there are too many small appends, there could be too many chunks. So try to keep each append size reasonably big.


# Basic Usage:
> curl -F file=@report.js "http://localhost:8888/javascript/"
> curl  "http://localhost:8888/javascript/report.js"   # get the file content
> curl -I "http://localhost:8888/javascript/report.js" # get only header
> curl -F file=@report.js "http://localhost:8888/javascript/new_name.js"    # upload the file to a different name
> curl -T test.yaml http://localhost:8888/test.yaml                         # upload file by PUT
> curl -F file=@report.js "http://localhost:8888/javascript/new_name.js?op=append"    # append to an file
> curl -T test.yaml http://localhost:8888/test.yaml?op=append                         # append to an file by PUT
> curl -H "Accept: application/json" "http://localhost:8888/javascript/?pretty=y"            # list all files under /javascript/
  "Path": "/javascript",
  "Entries": [
      "FullPath": "/javascript/jquery-2.1.3.min.js",
      "Mtime": "2020-04-19T16:08:14-07:00",
      "Crtime": "2020-04-19T16:08:14-07:00",
      "Mode": 420,
      "Uid": 502,
      "Gid": 20,
      "Mime": "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
      "Replication": "000",
      "Collection": "",
      "TtlSec": 0,
      "UserName": "",
      "GroupNames": null,
      "SymlinkTarget": "",
      "Md5": null,
      "Extended": null,
      "chunks": [
          "file_id": "2,087f23051201",
          "size": 84320,
          "mtime": 1587337694775717000,
          "e_tag": "32015dd42e9582a80a84736f5d9a44d7",
          "fid": {
            "volume_id": 2,
            "file_key": 2175,
            "cookie": 587534849
          "is_gzipped": true
      "FullPath": "/javascript/jquery-sparklines",
      "Mtime": "2020-04-19T16:08:14-07:00",
      "Crtime": "2020-04-19T16:08:14-07:00",
      "Mode": 2147484152,
      "Uid": 502,
      "Gid": 20,
      "Mime": "",
      "Replication": "000",
      "Collection": "",
      "TtlSec": 0,
      "UserName": "",
      "GroupNames": null,
      "SymlinkTarget": "",
      "Md5": null,
      "Extended": null
  "Limit": 100,
  "LastFileName": "jquery-sparklines",
  "ShouldDisplayLoadMore": false

# get directory metadata
> curl 'http://localhost:8888/javascript/?metadata=true&pretty=yes'
    "FullPath": "/javascript",
    "Mtime": "2022-03-17T11:34:51+08:00",
    "Crtime": "2022-03-17T11:34:51+08:00",
    "Mode": 2147484141,
    "Uid": 1001,
    "Gid": 1001,
    "Mime": "",
    "TtlSec": 0,
    "UserName": "",
    "GroupNames": null,
    "SymlinkTarget": "",
    "Md5": null,
    "FileSize": 0,
    "Rdev": 0,
    "Inode": 0,
    "Extended": null,
    "HardLinkId": null,
    "HardLinkCounter": 0,
    "Content": null,
    "Remote": null,
    "Quota": 0

# get file metadata
> curl 'http://localhost:8888/test01.py?metadata=true&pretty=yes'
  "FullPath": "/test01.py",
  "Mtime": "2022-01-09T19:11:18+08:00",
  "Crtime": "2022-01-09T19:11:18+08:00",
  "Mode": 432,
  "Uid": 1001,
  "Gid": 1001,
  "Mime": "text/x-python",
  "Replication": "",
  "Collection": "",
  "TtlSec": 0,
  "DiskType": "",
  "UserName": "",
  "GroupNames": null,
  "SymlinkTarget": "",
  "Md5": "px6as5eP7tF5YcgAv5m60Q==",
  "FileSize": 1992,
  "Extended": null,
  "chunks": [
      "file_id": "17,04fbb55507b515",
      "size": 1992,
      "mtime": 1641726678984876713,
      "e_tag": "px6as5eP7tF5YcgAv5m60Q==",
      "fid": {
        "volume_id": 17,
        "file_key": 326581,
        "cookie": 1426568469
      "is_compressed": true
  "HardLinkId": null,
  "HardLinkCounter": 0,
  "Content": null,
  "Remote": null,
  "Quota": 0

GET files

  //get file with a different content-disposition
  GET /path/to/file?response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dtesting.txt
GET Parameter Description Default
response-content-disposition used as response content-disposition empty

PUT/DELETE file tagging

# put 2 pairs of meta data
curl -X PUT -H "Seaweed-Name1: value1" -H "Seaweed-some: some string value" http://localhost:8888/path/to/a/file?tagging
# read the meta data from HEAD request
curl -I "http://localhost:8888/path/to/a/file"
Seaweed-Name1: value1
Seaweed-Some: some string value
# delete all "Seaweed-" prefixed meta data
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/path/to/a/file?tagging
# delete specific "Seaweed-" prefixed meta data
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/path/to/a/file?tagging=Name1,Some

Method Request Header Operation
PUT <file_url>?tagging Prefixed with "Seaweed-" set the meta data
DELETE <file_url>?tagging remove all the "Seaweed-" prefixed header
DELETE <file_url>?tagging=Some,Name remove the headers "Seaweed-Some", "Seaweed-Name"

Notice that the tag names follow http header key convention, with the first character capitalized.

Move files and directories

# move(rename) "/path/to/src_file" to "/path/to/dst_file"
> curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8888/path/to/dst_file?mv.from=/path/to/src_file'
POST Parameter Description Default
mv.from move from one file or directory to another location Required field

Create an empty folder

Folders usually are created automatically when uploading a file. To create an empty file, you can use this:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8888/test/"

List files under a directory

Some folder can be very large. To efficiently list files, we use a non-traditional way to iterate files. Every pagination you provide a "lastFileName", and a "limit=x". The filer locate the "lastFileName" in O(log(n)) time, and retrieve the next x files.

curl -H "Accept: application/json" "http://localhost:8888/javascript/?pretty=y&lastFileName=jquery-2.1.3.min.js&limit=2"
  "Path": "/javascript",
  "Entries": [
      "FullPath": "/javascript/jquery-sparklines",
      "Mtime": "2020-04-19T16:08:14-07:00",
      "Crtime": "2020-04-19T16:08:14-07:00",
      "Mode": 2147484152,
      "Uid": 502,
      "Gid": 20,
      "Mime": "",
      "Replication": "000",
      "Collection": "",
      "TtlSec": 0,
      "UserName": "",
      "GroupNames": null,
      "SymlinkTarget": "",
      "Md5": null,
      "Extended": null
  "Limit": 2,
  "LastFileName": "jquery-sparklines",
  "ShouldDisplayLoadMore": false
Parameter Description Default
limit how many file to show 100
lastFileName the last file in previous batch empty
namePattern match file names, case-sensitive wildcard characters '*' and '?' empty
namePatternExclude nagetive match file names, case-sensitive wildcard characters '*' and '?' empty

Supported Name Patterns

The patterns are case-sensitive and support wildcard characters '*' and '?'.

Pattern Matches
* any file name
*.jpg abc.jpg
a*.jp*g abc.jpg, abc.jpeg
a*.jp?g abc.jpeg


Delete a file

> curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/path/to/file

Delete a folder

// recursively delete all files and folders under a path
> curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/path/to/dir?recursive=true
// recursively delete everything, ignoring any recursive error
> curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/path/to/dir?recursive=true&ignoreRecursiveError=true
// For Experts Only: remove filer directories only, without removing data chunks. 
// see https://github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/pull/1153
> curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/path/to?recursive=true&skipChunkDeletion=true
Parameter Description Default
recursive if "recursive=true", recursively delete all files and folders filer recursive_delete option from filer.toml
ignoreRecursiveError if "ignoreRecursiveError=true", ignore errors in recursive mode false
skipChunkDeletion if "skipChunkDeletion=true", do not delete file chunks on volume servers false