12 System Metrics
Meenakshi-Sachdeva edited this page 2023-05-24 11:10:46 +05:30

SeaweedFS uses Prometheus to store the metrics and Grafana to visualize them.

SeaweedFS supports both push and pull metrics.

Push Metrics

SeaweedFS can publish metrics to Prometheus Push Gateway, and the gateway pass along to the Prometheus server.

Master | Volume Server | Filer => Prometheus Push Gateway => Prometheus Server => Grafana

Note: Setting Prometheus, push gateway, and Grafana can be simplified with this https://github.com/evnsio/prom-stack


Just add a metrics address to weed master or weed server command line options. If you have multiple masters, please add it to all the master command line options.

weed master -metrics.address=<protocol><prometheus_gateway_host_name>:<prometheus_gateway_port>
# example
weed master -metrics.address=localhost:9091               # Defaults to http://localhost:9091
weed master -metrics.address=https://example.com

weed server -metrics.address=<protocol><prometheus_gateway_host_name>:<prometheus_gateway_port>
# example
weed server -metrics.address=localhost:9091               # Defaults to http://localhost:9091
weed server -metrics.address=https://example.com

The SeaweedFS filer or volume servers will read this metrics configuration from the master, and report the metrics directly to the Prometheus Gateway. Filer and volume servers need to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Pull Metrics

SeaweedFS can also start with ports accepting Prometheus metrics queries.

weed server -metricsPort=1234
weed master -metricsPort=1235
weed volume -metricsPort=1236
weed filer  -metricsPort=1237

Note: All server should be running on different ports for accepting prometheus metrics queries.

And then you can configure your Prometheus to crawl them periodically.


The dashboard is shared at https://github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/blob/master/other/metrics/grafana_seaweedfs.json

If you modify the dashboard, please share your revisions.

Example Dashboard